
Russia reports drone that crashed into car in Belgorod region

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A drone attack in the Belgorod region of Russia caused a car to catch fire, injuring five people, including a child with a concussion.

The governor of Russia's Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said that on the night of March 16, a drone attack took place in the region, allegedly injuring five people, UNN reports .


According to the governor, a drone attacked the car, causing it to catch fire.

The minor boy has a brain contusion, the man has abdominal wounds and shrapnel wounds to his upper and lower extremities. The woman has shrapnel wounds to the face and scapular area, as well as contusion. Two other men have moderate contusions

the governor wrote.

All the injured will be taken to the regional clinical hospital, he said.

"Російський добровольчий корпус" оголосив про повторну організацію гумкоридору для жителів бєлгородщини та курщини 15.03.24, 21:38

Lilia Podolyak



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