
Satellite photos of the aftermath of the air strike on Luhansk Machine-Building Plant-100 appear

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Satellite imagery shows that at least one building of the Luhansk Machine-Building Plant-100 in the occupied Luhansk region was heavily damaged after a Ukrainian airstrike on April 13.

At least one building of the Luhansk Machine-Building Plant-100 was damaged in the occupied territory of Luhansk region on April 13. This follows from satellite images, UNN reports with reference to the Radio Liberty investigative program "Schemes." 

Planet Labs satellite images from April 14, which are available to Skhemy, show that at least one building of the plant was significantly damaged. 

As UNN wrote , on April 13, explosions occurred near the plant in the temporarily occupied Luhansk. 

On the same day , the Strategic Communications Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully hit the command post of the enemy's "Center" military group in the temporarily occupied Luhansk.

Стало відомо, якими ракетами вдарила Україна по штабу російських військ в окупованому Луганську15.04.24, 03:02


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