
SBU serves suspicion notice to "DNR" leaders for organizing pseudo-elections in temporarily occupied Donetsk region

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The Security Service of Ukraine served a notice of suspicion to the leaders of the "DNR" terrorist organization Denis Pushilin, Artem Zhoza and Volodymyr Vysotsky, who organized pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied part of Donetsk region with massive fraud and staged video materials.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has served a notice of suspicion to the leaders of the DNR terrorist organization who organized pseudo-presidential elections in the temporarily occupied part of Donetsk region. UNN reports this with reference to the SBU press service. 

We are talking about:

  • Denis Pushilin, the mayor of Donetsk
  • artem zhogu, one of the heads of Putin's "election headquarters";
  • volodymyr vysotsky - head of the "election committee of the dpr".

The SBU investigators served all three defendants suspicion notices in absentia under Part 5 Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (collaboration).

According to the SBU, the collaborators organized massive falsifications regarding the participation of local residents in the fake plebiscite. They also "reported" to Moscow on the alleged maximum support of the illegal elections by the residents of the region.

According to the SBU,  votes in favor of the Kremlin leader were "drawn" even from completely destroyed Avdiivka.

The secret service reported that in order to make it look like "voting," Gaulaiter Pushilin came to the city together with the deputy head of the Russian presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko.

Amid the ruins of the temporarily seized district center, they made a staged "video address" for the Russian media, purporting to be from local residents, to get them involved in the Russian "elections." 

In addition, Zhoga reportedly formed the leadership of the occupation "election commissions" and personally controlled the results of the "voting".

According to the SBU, he gave the relevant instructions to Vysotsky, who organized door-to-door rounds accompanied by armed invaders. During such "raids", the participants demanded that the "necessary" marks be put in the illegal ballots.


The leader of the "dpr" terrorists, Pushilin, has already been sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison, and his accomplice, Zhoga, to 12 years in prison.


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