
Scholz asks chinese leader to influence rf to stop war with putin

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to use China's influence with Russia to force Putin to end the war in Ukraine and withdraw Russian troops.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz asked Chinese leader Xi Jinping to influence Russia to make Russian dictator Vladimir Putin finally stop the war against Ukraine, reports UNN.

"China's word carries weight in russia. So I asked President Xi to influence Russia so that Putin will finally stop his insane campaign, withdraw his troops and put an end to this horrible war," Scholz wrote in X.

He also said that China and Germany want to coordinate intensively and positively to promote the high-level conference in Switzerland.

"President Xi and I agreed that China and Germany want to coordinate intensively and positively to promote the high-level conference in Switzerland and future international peace conferences," Scholz said.


Previously,  Scholz, who is on an official visit to China, statedthat he would discuss a "just peace" in Ukraine with Chinese leader Xi Jinping at a meeting in Beijing.

Anna Murashko



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