
Scholz once again opposed the delivery of Taurus to Ukraine: "This is a line I do not want to cross as chancellor"

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz again opposes the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine, saying it would require the participation of German soldiers.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has once again spoken out against the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. According to him, the missiles can only be transferred if the German military, which will be needed to operate the Taurus, is deployed  outside Ukraine, UNN reports with reference to Tagesschau. 

"For me, it is out of the question to supply long-range weapons systems that can only be rationally supplied if German soldiers are stationed outside Ukraine," the chancellor said. 

Scholz also added: "This is a line I do not want to cross as chancellor." 

The CDU/CSU parliamentary faction threatens to set up an investigative commission to find out how Chancellor Olaf Scholz came to the conclusion that Taurus cruise missiles can only be deployed with the participation of German soldiers. 

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk says he will travel to Berlin on Friday to discuss aid to Ukraine with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz after talks with US President Joe Biden at the White House on Tuesday. 


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