
Shooting at Ukrainian soldiers in Sievierodonetsk and participating in the assaults on Avdiivka and Marinka: 5 more traitors to be tried

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Five more traitors who fought against Ukraine, including a sniper who shot at Ukrainian soldiers in Sievierodonetsk, will be tried for treason and collaboration.

Law enforcement officers collected evidence and submitted to the court materials on five more traitors who fought against the Defense Forces in eastern Ukraine. In particular, a sniper who shot at Ukrainian soldiers in Sievierodonetsk will be tried.  This was reported by the SBU press service on Wednesday, UNN reports.


As noted, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, the traitors lived in the temporarily occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. From there, they voluntarily "mobilized" to the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation.

The defendants, according to the SBU, stormed Ukrainian cities on the eastern front and built fortifications, including the so-called "dragon's teeth.

In February this year, the attackers were captured by Ukrainian defenders during fierce fighting in the areas of Avdiivka, Maryinka and Bakhmut.

Among the detainees is reportedly a sniper of an enemy unit who fired at the positions of the Defense Forces in Sievierodonetsk in June 2022 and later fought in Donetsk region.

Another militant - at first he was a medic of the evacuation unit of the occupiers' medical platoon. However, he was later appointed commander of an assault unit and deployed near the village of Bilohorivka in the Kramatorsk sector.

The other three detainees took part in the "meaty" assaults on Avdiivka and Marinka, as well as the capture of Rubizhne in Luhansk region.


SBU investigators have served the offenders suspicion notices under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

 paras. 1, 2 Art. 111 (high treason committed under martial law);

ч. 7 of Art. 111-1 (collaboration).

The offenders face life imprisonment, the SBU noted.

Двох зрадників, які штурмували Авдіївку засуджено до 15 років тюрми20.03.24, 18:12


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