
Since the beginning of the year, the SBU has opened 352 cases of high treason

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In 2024, the SBU opened 352 criminal cases for high treason, 807 for collaboration, 108 for assisting the aggressor state, and 66 for passing information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the enemy, with numerous convictions in each category.

In 2024, the SBU opened criminal cases of high treason on the facts of collaboration, aiding the aggressor state, and passing information about the Armed Forces to the enemy. This was announced by the Head of the SBU Vasyl Malyuk during a speech at the Congress of Local and Regional Councils under the President of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Malyuk says that since the beginning of 2024, the SBU has initiated 352 criminal cases of treason, with 98 people already convicted. Also, 807 proceedings were opened for collaboration, of which 177 people were convicted, 108 cases were initiated for assisting the aggressor state with 7 convictions, and 66 cases were initiated in connection with the transfer of information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where 19 people were found guilty.

The SBU Head also emphasized that the FSB agent who helped direct the missile attack on the center of Kramatorsk in June 2023 was sentenced to life imprisonment.


In Moscow , a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado belonging to a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine who defected to Russia exploded. As a result of the explosion, the man sustained a laceration to his leg.


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Since the beginning of the year, the SBU has opened 352 cases of high treason

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