
Some types of crops are planned to be sown more than necessary to meet domestic demand - Ministry of Agrarian Policy

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Ukraine plans to grow several times more grains and oilseeds than domestic demand, remaining a significant exporter and influencing international prices.

Ukraine is planning to grow several times more grains and oilseeds than the domestic demand. This was announced during a telethon by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky, UNN reports .


"We plan to sow enough grain crops, primarily barley and corn, to meet domestic demand. Objectively, the harvest will be even several times higher than the domestic demand. We will remain a significant grain exporter next year. The situation is similar with oilseeds, where we plan to grow more soybeans and sunflower than we need domestically. We will be exporters and influence international prices," Vysotsky said.

He noted that since the international market is not that big, the harvest is not the only factor.

"That's why they are now monitoring the sowing across the northern hemisphere, and the final price will depend on that, which will affect the domestic market. It is clear that there will be no shortage of feed. The sowing of sugar beet, where sugar is grown, is almost complete. The area under sugar beet cultivation is large enough to allow us to talk about production rather than domestic consumption. Therefore, the consumer can also be calm about this product," Vysotsky added.


Currently, about 15-18% of agricultural land remains under temporary occupation, but currently about 20 million hectares of land is used for growing grains and oilseeds, and more than 13 million hectares of this are spring crops that are sown in the spring.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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