
Stretch ceiling and everything about its use in a residential area

 • 102023 переглядiв

Stretch ceiling and everything about its use in a residential area.

Let's start with the good news - a stretch ceiling can be installed in any type of living space. Let's move on to the less pleasant facts - the specifics of its location are influenced by the type of material from which the canvas is made. Today, there are three groups of materials used to make stretch ceilings: matte, glossy and satin fabrics. Visually, they are similar to each other, but have differences in  operational properties. Also, when choosing a stretch ceiling for a specific type of room, you should pay attention to  color options, since not all of them will be equally practical during operation. Let's find out what type of tension web should be used when decorating the ceiling in residential and commercial premises.

Designing a ceiling with a stretch fabric: which option to choose

When studying the types of tension fabrics, you should take into account the specifics of the room and its operational purpose. The level of humidity, the amount of sunlight that penetrates inside, the features of the room, the level of air pollution - all this will affect the choice. Not all stretch ceilings can effectively withstand aggressive environmental factors, so:

  • Matte canvas is chosen to decorate rooms with a mild domestic climate. A bedroom, living room or office - a matte stretch ceiling can decorate these rooms. It is less commonly used in the kitchen, rather it is relevant for the dining room, where there are no foreign aromas and smoke.
  • A satin stretch ceiling is practically a work of art that requires respectful treatment. Satin fabric should not be used to decorate the ceiling in technical rooms and kitchens, as dust and dirt quickly settle on its surface.
  • The glossy surface is known for its versatility, as it can withstand dirt and dust. Due to the glossy surface, such stretch ceilings are installed in rooms with a small area to visually enlarge them.

Sometimes several types of fabrics are combined to create a unique interior design for a ceiling. A designer who understands not only the stylistic but also the technical features of stretch fabrics will help you with this.

What not to do

Overload stretch ceilings by combining elements of different colors in one design. It is better to stick to one palette for the ceiling design throughout the house. The monolithic image of living quarters looks more interesting, it gives a sense of space. 

You shouldn't order stretch ceilings from unknown companies or entrust the installation to unfamiliar construction teams.

Do not rush to lighten. Allow time for the material to acquire the required tension. Premature installation of lighting devices can cause deformation or damage to the fabric.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid unpleasant situations, unnecessary financial costs, and other hassles.

Lilia Podolyak

Business News


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