
The case of Crimean Muslims: political prisoner Tofig Abdulgaziev transferred to the intensive care unit of the prison hospital in Chelyabinsk - "Crimean Solidarity" - "Crimean Solidarity"

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Crimean Muslim activist Tofik Abdulgaziev, who is imprisoned in Russia, was taken from prison to a tuberculosis hospital in critical condition with an unknown diagnosis.

The defendant of the second Simferopol "case of the Crimean Muslims" Tofig Abdulgaziev was taken from the Russian prison to a tuberculosis hospital in Chelyabinsk. This writes "Crimean Solidarity" referring to the words of his wife Aliye Kurtametova, reports UNN.

Political prisoner Tofig Abdulgaziev was taken from the prison in Verkhneuralsk to the specialized tuberculosis hospital No. 3 of the State Penitentiary Service in Chelyabinsk in a critical condition with an unknown diagnosis.

- It said in a statement.


Tofig Abdulgaziev's diagnosis is known to the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the prison hospital, but they do not inform his relatives by phone.

The doctor said there is one, but can't give any information. He said his condition was moderately serious. Today I called the hospital again to find out how he was. They said his condition was serious, he was transferred to the intensive care unit - intoxication. They're pumping him full of fluids.

 - said the wife of a Crimean political prisoner.

Activists also reported that earlier a lawyer visited the prisoner and informed his relatives that Tofig Abdulgaziev had lost a lot of weight - 15 kilograms. In addition, he complained of pain in the joints of his hands and legs. It became difficult for him to clench and unclench his fingers - he cannot even hold a spoon. And because of the sharp pain in his heel, he could not step on his foot. He can't move around normally and can't go for walks.

The prison and the FSIN hospital system do not reveal the real picture of the patient's health condition. Tofig needs an independent examination that will establish a real diagnosis. This is a matter of a man's life.

- Emil Kurbedinov, a lawyer, commented.

The lawyer intends to file complaints with various agencies regarding the condition of Tofig Abdulgaziev.

фсб россии в Крыму устроила обыски в домах крымских татар05.03.2024, 11:14


A Crimean Solidarity activist was taken to Verkhneuralsk prison in July 2023.

Before his arrest and imprisonment  Abdulgaziev participated in the organization of events for children of Crimean political prisoners. He was an activist of "Crimean Solidarity", a sound engineer, and a participant of the project "Crimean Childhood".

Оккупационный суд Крыма оштрафовал мусульманскую общину "Алушта" на 100 тысяч рублей за хранение книг исламских богословов – "Крымская солидарность"20.12.2023, 23:45

In May 2022, the Southern District Military Court of Rostov-on-Don convicted Tofig Abdulgaziev on charges of involvement in the Islamic party Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is banned in Russia. He was sentenced to 12 years in a strict regime colony with the first 5 years in prison.

Tatiana Salganik



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