
The European Commission has unblocked Poland's access to EU money: Warsaw plans to allocate part of it to Polish farmers

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The European Commission has approved a decision granting Poland access to €137 billion in EU funding, with the first tranche of €6.3 billion expected in the coming weeks and €1.4 billion for investments in agriculture.

The European Commission has adopted two legal acts that give Poland access to up to €137 billion in EU funding. Poland is expected to receive the first tranche of 6.3 billion euros in the coming weeks, and one of the largest measures of the Polish plan for 1.4 billion euros concerns investments in the agricultural sector, according to the European Commission's website, UNN reports.

"Today, the European Commission adopted two legal acts that will give Poland access to up to €137 billion in EU funding. These actions are linked to the rule of law reforms that Poland has undertaken, as well as to the recent and immediate steps it has taken to address key challenges to strengthen the independence of the judiciary," the European Commission said.

The European Commission has announced the launch of the procedure for "paying Poland's first payment request of EUR 6.3 billion" "in the coming weeks".

Poland's first payment request, as indicated, covers important steps to implement 25 ambitious reforms and five key investments. "These measures are aimed at increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of the country's economy, promoting green energy and the transition to digital technologies, as well as supporting healthcare and environmentally friendly mobility," the European institution said.

"One of the largest measures of the €1.4 billion Polish plan concerns investments in the agricultural sector. Support is also being provided to thousands of farmers and fishermen, as well as SMEs in the agricultural sector, to help them expand and modernize their production and enter new markets

- the European Commission said.

Туск заявив, що Польща готова посилити контроль продукції на кордоні з Україною23.02.24, 16:29


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