
The general fund of the state budget was replenished by UAH 158 billion in March - Ministry of Finance

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In March 2024, the general fund of the state budget of Ukraine received UAH 158.1 billion in taxes, duties and mandatory payments, including UAH 105.7 billion from taxes and UAH 45.8 billion from the State Customs Service, which is 5.6% higher than the monthly revenue plan.

According to the latest estimates of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, in March 2024, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 158.1 billion in taxes, fees and mandatory payments. In particular, UAH 105.7 billion is tax revenue, and another UAH 45.8 billion is payments from the State Customs Service. This was reported by UNN with a link to the report of the economic department.


Overall, in March, the State Tax Service received payments totaling UAH 105.7 billion, including:

o   UAH 60.1 billion - corporate income tax;

o   UAH 18.0 billion - value added tax (UAH 29.0 billion collected, UAH 11.1 billion refunded);

o   UAH 15.7 billion - personal income tax and military duty;

o   UAH 9.2 bn - excise tax;  

o   UAH 1.4 billion - rent.

Payments from the State Customs Service amounted to UAH 45.8 billion.

The Ministry of Finance noted that the implementation of the monthly plan of revenues of the general fund of the state budget, according to operational data, is 105.6% (+ UAH 8.4 billion), including:

o   State Tax Service - 107.9% (+ UAH 7.7 billion);

o   State Customs Service - 92.3% (- UAH 3.8 billion).

At the same time, UAH 3.1 billion was received in the form of international assistance (grants).

In general, according to the latest data, as of March 2024, the general and special funds of the state budget received UAH 225.9 billion in taxes, fees and other payments. In addition, about UAH 39.0 billion (as of March 29) in unified social tax was paid to the pension and social insurance funds. We are grateful to taxpayers for their contribution to the support of the Armed Forces and the financial stability of the country.

- the Ministry of Finance summarized

Tatiana Salganik



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