
The problem with arms supplies threatens to freeze the conflict and a new border between Ukraine and russia - Bolton

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According to former US presidential adviser John Bolton, Ukraine faces a "freezing" of the conflict and a new border with Russia along the contact line due to possible delays in US military aid and the upcoming US election.

Former US presidential adviser John Bolton believes that Ukraine was most vulnerable at the beginning of 2022, but there are two main problems in the current and next year - the delay in the military aid package and the upcoming US elections. Both factors could affect the "freezing" and fixing of a new border between Ukraine and russia along the contact line, UNN reports, citing Current Time.

Now there is a danger if the U.S. does not quickly resolve the aid packages. (...) Putin may think he has an advantage in Ukraine because of the arms supply problems. And if at some point he suddenly says, "This war has dragged on, let's have a ceasefire, let's have peace talks in Geneva," then in fact he will have a new Russian-Ukrainian border along the line of contact. And for Ukraine it will be tantamount to defeat. 

- John Bolton reported in an interview with Current Time.

According to the former adviser to the US president during 2018-19, Putin is waiting for Trump to announce his withdrawal from NATO, which would make the alliance ineffective even for the bloc's member states themselves.

У Лубинца назвали категорию военнопленных по которой сложнее всего вести переговоры с рф16.04.2024, 17:53

I am very concerned about Trump's possible re-election. Especially in the context of NATO and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I think that if Trump really focuses, which is not easy for him, on NATO issues, he may announce withdrawal from the Alliance. Presidents have the right to withdraw from any agreement and he can do that. The consequences for the U.S. around the world would be catastrophic, but Trump can make that decision, it's possible. And Putin will be watching with interest to see if Trump does so, because a U.S. withdrawal from NATO would make the Alliance ineffective not only in helping Ukraine, but also for the bloc's member states themselves.

 - a former adviser to the U.S. president said in an interview.

Зеленский подписал закон о мобилизации16.04.2024, 15:47

According to Bolton, the Kremlin chief is keeping Trump's statement about stopping the war in Ukraine in 24 hours in mind.

Putin listened intently to Trump saying that he could supposedly stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours, which of course is ridiculous. Trump said he could organize a meeting between Putin and Zelensky and solve everything that way. That's not going to happen either, of course. But when he can't find a quick solution, he'll want to find someone to blame. And he won't see his own fault in this. And here, I'm afraid, knowing how much Trump admires Putin, he will almost inevitably find a guilty person in the person of Zelensky. And that will be very bad for Ukraine

 - Bolton said.


According to President Volodymyr Zelensky, without appropriate assistance from the United States Ukraine will have no chance of winning a war with Russia.

Снижение призывного возраста до 25 лет поможет ВСУ, но западная военная помощь будет решающей - ISW03.04.2024, 09:44

Ihor Telezhnikov



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