
The risk of famine in Gaza remains high, although Israel has taken steps to mitigate the humanitarian crisis

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Israel has taken steps to help Gaza, but the risk of famine in the enclave remains high, with the northern part of the enclave facing a very high risk of famine, according to US Special Envoy David Satterfield.

Israel has taken some steps to help Gaza, but the risk of famine in the enclave remains high. This is reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


The US Special Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs David Satterfield said that Israel has taken important steps to help Gaza. However, he noted that more needs to be done, as the risk of famine in the enclave remains high.

Over the past two weeks, Israel has taken significant steps 

- said David Satterfield.

A special emphasis was placed on the northern part of Gaza, where the risk of famine, according to Satterfield, remains very high. He called for greater efforts to provide aid to this tiny and densely populated Palestinian territory.


Earlier, US President Joe Biden demanded that measures be taken to mitigate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The United Nations has long complained about obstacles in receiving and distributing aid throughout Gaza, especially after Israel's military actions against the Hamas group.

Ізраїль використовує голод, як зброю у війні в Газі - представник ООН з прав людини Фолькер Тюрк28.03.24, 12:58


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