
There will be no videos of dancing: Scholz signs up for TikTok and posts first videos

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has joined TikTok to reach a younger audience, promising behind-the-scenes looks at government life rather than dance videos, while ensuring data security.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has created an account on the social network TikTok. He wrote about this on Twitter (X), promising his subscribers that he would not post videos with dancing, CNN writes, reports UNN.


I don't dance. I promise

the Chancellor wrote.

As explained by the German Federal Government's Press and Information Office, Scholz wants to expand the range of information available to citizens. It is expected that the TikTok page will feature the work of the Chancellor, allowing citizens to "look behind the scenes of everyday government life.

In the first video posted, a member of Scholz's team videotapes her sneakers as she walks through the chancellor's office, before the camera cuts to a briefcase and then shows a smiling Scholz sitting at his desk.

So far, the German government has not used the Chinese platform because of data security concerns.

TikTok messages are sent from a special independent mobile phone to guarantee the security of German government data, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said at a regular press conference ahead of Scholz's trip to China on Saturday.

To connect with a younger audience, Gebestreit also said that the German government should "go where the citizens are and inform them there.

At the same time, he warned TikTok to comply with data protection laws in Europe.

According to the newspaper, Scholz is seeking to reach more voters ahead of the June 6-9 European Parliament elections.

Байден та Сі Цзіньпін обговорили ситуацію навколо TikTok03.04.24, 05:50


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