
Ukraine and the UK start cooperation in green energy innovations

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Ukraine and the UK are launching 13 innovative green energy projects under the InnovateUkraine program, with the UK providing £16 million to support Ukraine's energy independence and transition to green technologies.

 Ukraine and the United Kingdom are launching the first 13 innovative energy projects under the InnovateUkraine program. This became known after a meeting between Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko and British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, UNN reports, citing the press service of the Ministry of Energy.


Cameron noted that the UK's efforts are aimed at restoring Ukraine's energy system. He also pointed out that it is green technologies and green energy that can ensure the energy independence of countries in the face of Russia's attempts to use energy to create dependence.

For his part, Galushchenko thanked the UK for supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia and emphasized the effective cooperation between the two countries in the energy sector. In particular, the minister noted the importance of the UK's contribution to the Energy Support Fund in the amount of 27.5 million euros. The parties are currently negotiating to increase this contribution during the current year.

 Today we have a chance to demonstrate that in the fight for energy independence, we are fighting for the future. After all, the green transition is not just about the environment or decentralized generation. For Ukraine, it is a matter of national security. I am confident that the implementation of the green technology project is of great importance for the future cooperation between Ukraine and the UK in the energy sector

The UK government will provide £16 million in funding for projects under the program.

 Among the projects selected for investment are energy efficiency and heat supply projects, the introduction of innovative battery solutions for renewable energy sources, and innovative technologies to optimize and increase biogas production. The relevant projects are planned to be implemented over the next two years and will be supported to further seek investment and enter the market.

 The InnovateUkraine program, implemented by the British Innovation Agency, will also attract an additional 5 million pounds from the private sector and involves cooperation between more than 50 British and Ukrainian organizations.

"Зелена" трансформація енергосектору: Україна розпочала нову програму співпраці з ООН15.01.24, 17:43


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