
Ukrainians win gold at the European Youth Fencing Cup

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Athletes from Dnipropetrovs'k region won a gold medal at the European Fencing Cup among young people under 23. Kateryna Korotetska and Sofia Sidenko won gold medals in team competitions

Athletes from the Dnipro region won a gold medal at the European Fencing Cup among young people under 23. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro Regional Council Mykola Lukashuk, UNN reports .


The competition was held in Hungary (Budapest). In the team competition, Kateryna Korotetska and Sofia Sidenko, pupils of the Regional School of Higher Sportsmanship of the Dnipro Regional Council, won a gold medal!

Congratulations to the girls, their coaches and the regional fencing federation! I wish you new achievements and victories! Thank you for making the Ukrainian flag fly on the world stage!

Lukashuk wrote.

Українська жіноча збірна з фехтування на шаблях здобула бронзу на етапі Кубку світу в Бельгії18.03.24, 01:53


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