
U.S. will never recognize russia's attempted annexation of Crimea: Ambassador Brink on the Day of Resistance to russian Occupation of Crimea

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The US Ambassador to Ukraine reaffirmed that Crimea is part of Ukraine and that Washington will never recognize russia's attempt to annex the Ukrainian peninsula.

On the Day of Crimean Resistance to russian Occupation, US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink reiterated that Crimea is Ukraine. This is stated in the diplomat's appeal on her page in the social network X, UNN writes.


Crimea is Ukraine. The culture and traditions of the Crimean Tatars and other indigenous peoples of Crimea remain alive and strong despite 10 years of russian aggression against the people. The United States stands firm - we have not and will never recognize russia's attempted annexation of Crimea

- Ms. Ambassador said. 

She also stated that russia's aggression against Ukraine began 10 years ago, when Moscow occupied the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.

According to her, after the russian invasion of the peninsula, the occupation authorities began to violate the rights of Crimean Tatars and all Crimean residents. 

As in other illegally occupied territories of Ukraine, russians are using deportation and illegal displacement of Ukrainian citizens, including children, to destroy the nation's identity

- Brink said.

For reference

Today, February 26, Ukraine marks the day of Crimean resistance to russian occupation. 

It was on February 26, 2014, that 2 actions took place in parallel under the walls of the Supreme Council of the ARC: a pro-Ukrainian rally organized by the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, the Euromaidan Crimea movement and other pro-Ukrainian organizations, which gathered up to 10 thousand participants.

The pro-russian rally was about 700 people strong, initiated by the russian Unity party

Due to inadequate security measures taken by law enforcement, clashes broke out between pro-Ukrainian and pro-russian rally participants, resulting in two deaths. 

The pro-russian rally was pushed to the courtyard of the Crimean Supreme Council, and the parliamentary session scheduled for the day before was canceled.

The next day, armed russian special forces seized the buildings of the Supreme Council of the ARC and the Council of Ministers of the ARC in Simferopol.

"Десять років не зломили волю кримськотатарського народу" - Меджліс в день спротиву російській окупації Криму26.02.24, 09:54


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