
Verkhovna Rada adopts law allowing to dismiss an employee for collaboration

 • 18807 переглядiв

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a law allowing employers to fire employees for collaborating with Russia with 234 votes in favor.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted in the second reading the draft law "On Amendments to the Labor Code of Ukraine on the establishment of additional grounds for termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer and some other issues (Reg. No. 7731), UNN reports with reference to MP Oleksiy Honcharenko.

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted the draft law on establishing additional grounds for termination of an employment contract by an employer No. 7731. Or, as this draft law is called in the media, dismissal of employees for collaborationism. In favor - 234

- wrote Goncharenko on Telegram.

For example, draft law No. 7731 proposes to give the employer the right to terminate an employment contract in cases of collaboration, in particular, at critical infrastructure enterprises, in particular in the case o

Entry into force of a court verdict convicting an employee (except for exemption from serving a sentence with probation) for committing a crime against the national security of Ukraine;

Failure of an employee to comply with the rules of conduct at an enterprise, institution or organization in terms of the provisions provided for in part two of Article 142 of this Code.

Also, according to the comparative table, the establishment of rules of conduct at enterprises, institutions, organizations of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state, and/or critical infrastructure facilities or operators is mandatory.

Рада підтримала створення ветеранської патронатної служби25.04.24, 14:22


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