
"We thank you for your word and look forward to continued strong support from the United States for peace and security in Europe" - Shmyhal

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Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal reacts to the Senate's passage of a bill on aid to Ukraine.

The Senate has approved $61 billion for Ukraine. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, reports UNN.


The Prime Minister of Ukraine expressed his gratitude for the approval by the U.S. Senate of a bill to provide $61 billion in aid to Ukraine.

He noted that during his talks with U.S. senators, he received assurances of unequivocal support for Ukraine.

During our talks with U.S. senators last week, including Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, I received assurances that support for Ukraine is unequivocal and that the law will be passed as soon as possible

- Denys Shmyhal said .

Байден обіцяє негайно підписати законопроект, ухвалений Сенатом, щоб якнайшвидше відновити військову допомогу Україні24.04.24, 05:19

The Prime Minister emphasized that this support is an important signal from the United States in the context of ensuring peace and security in Europe.

Зеленський висловив подяку: Сенат США схвалив життєво важливу допомогу Україні24.04.24, 05:40


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