
WP: Pentagon will take less than a week to deliver weapons to Ukrainian troops

 • 25768 переглядiв

It will take the Pentagon less than a week to deliver weapons and ammunition to Ukrainian troops, including NATO 155mm shells, rocket artillery ammunition, air defense systems, and more, after a new aid package is approved for Kyiv.

The Pentagon will need less than a week to deliver weapons to the Ukrainian army after approving a new aid program for Kyiv. American officials told The Washington Post about this, UNN reports .


According to the newspaper, the US Department of Defense warned of the risk of territorial losses and a staggering death toll of the Ukrainian military without urgent action on Capitol Hill. Therefore, they began to formulate an aid package long before today's decision by Congress to speed up the process, the sources said.

It is likely that the military aid package to Ukraine will include much-needed ammunition of NATO's 155 mm caliber, as well as medium-range rocket artillery shells.

In addition, the Pentagon will provide a new batch of air defense equipment and ammunition.


On April 20, the U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of a bill providing $60 billion in defense aid to Ukraine - the decision was supported by 310 congressmen. 

Сенат голосуватиме за пакет допомоги Україні у вівторок – Чак Шумер20.04.24, 23:26


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