
X-59 guided missile destroyed in Mykolaiv region - RMA

 • 26560 переглядiв

On April 13-14, Russian troops shelled the village of Kutsurub in Mykolaiv region, damaging three houses, and Ukrainian air defense destroyed an X-59 guided missile.

On April 13, air defense forces destroyed an X-59 missile in Mykolaiv region. In addition, the Russian army shelled the territory of the Kutsurub community with artillery. The shelling damaged three private houses. This was reported by the head of the RMA Vitaliy Kim, UNN reports.


It is noted that on April 13 at 17:49, 18:12 and on April 14 at 01:48, 01:56 the enemy fired artillery shells at the territory of the Kutsurub community.

In Dmytrivka village, a shock wave and debris damaged the households of three private houses. There were no casualties.

Also, over the past day, air defense forces destroyed an X-59 guided missile in Mykolaiv region.

росіяни вночі обстріляли Миколаївську область, жертв немає13.04.24, 08:09


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