
"Your financial account has been added": Interior Ministry warned of new cyber fraud scheme

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs has warned of a new cyber fraud scheme in which fraudsters send out messages stating that "your financial account has been replenished" with embedded links to fraudulent resources to steal citizens' data and funds.

"Your financial account has been added" - these are the messages sent to Ukrainians by scammers with an embedded link to fraudulent resources. They are trying to get hold of citizens' data through them. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine warned about the fraudulent scheme, UNN reports.

Scammers distribute links to fraudulent resources under the guise of an attached financial account and try to take over citizens' data.

- the Ministry of Internal Affairs warns.


According to law enforcement officers, the criminals send to one of the messengers

a phishing link to a "wallet" with cryptocurrencies.

When people click on the link, they are offered to create a new account and purchase a VIP status in order to withdraw money.

As a result of these simple manipulations, fraudsters receive funds and personal data.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs gave advice on how to protect yourself from such fraudulent schemes:

🔹Ignore messages from strangers.

🔹Do not click on suspicious links.

🔹Do not enter personal or financial information on websites.

🔹Block such users and send a complaint to the messenger moderators.

Law enforcement officers also remind that if you have already provided any information to fraudsters or sent money, immediately contact the police and report the incident.

Поки жінка була за кордоном - шахраї підробили її підпис і продали квартиру: фахівці КНДІСЕ про випадки з практики почеркознавчих експертиз11.04.24, 16:21


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