
Zelensky expressed gratitude: US Senate approves vital aid to Ukraine

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President Zelenskyy expressed deep gratitude to the U.S. Senate for approving vital aid to Ukraine, thanking leaders of both parties for their strong bipartisan support.

I am grateful to the U.S. Senate for today's approval of vital assistance to Ukraine. This was reported by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, according to UNN.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed his deep gratitude to the U.S. Senate for passing a vital law to provide assistance to Ukraine.

In his official address, the Head of State thanked the leaders of both political parties for their strong leadership in this matter.

Thank you to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell for their strong leadership in advancing this bipartisan legislation, and to all U.S. Senators from both parties who voted in favor of it

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked.

The President emphasized the importance of this vote for strengthening the role of the United States as a beacon of democracy and leader of the free world.

He also expressed gratitude to all Americans who support Ukraine and understand the historical significance of providing assistance.

In addition, the Head of State emphasized that he appreciated the support of U.S. President Biden, looking forward to his prompt signing of the bill and the provision of the next package of military assistance.

I equally appreciate President Biden's support and look forward to signing the bill quickly and delivering the next military assistance package, which will match the resolve I always feel in our negotiations

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted.

Байден обіцяє негайно підписати законопроект, ухвалений Сенатом, щоб якнайшвидше відновити військову допомогу Україні24.04.24, 05:19

Emphasizing the importance of the aid for Ukraine, Zedenski emphasized the need for rapid military support to help restore a just peace in the region.

Ukraine's long-range capabilities, artillery and air defense are crucial tools for the speedy restoration of a just peace

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy added.

Сенат США схвалив пакет допомоги Україні, Ізраїлю й Тайваню. Законопроєкт передбачає допомогу Україні на майже 61 мільярд доларів24.04.24, 04:52


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