
Zelensky held a coordination meeting in Sumy region: they talked about the war and the economic revival of the region

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President Zelenskyy held a coordination meeting on the security and socio-economic situation in Sumy region, focusing on countering Russian terror, strengthening critical infrastructure, border security, economic potential, job creation, and returning businesses to normal operations.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a coordination meeting on the security and socio-economic situation in Sumy region. The meeting was reported by the press service of the head of state, UNN reports.

I held a meeting with all those responsible for the security and defense of Sumy region. The main focus was on countering Russian terror, strengthening critical infrastructure, and the situation in the border communities that are constantly under attack by Russian terrorists.  We also discussed the economic potential of Sumy region. A sufficient number of jobs, functioning enterprises, and reliable budget revenues are also the basis of security for the region. I am grateful to all those who are fighting and working to prevent Russia from destroying lives.

- the President wrote after the meeting.


During his working visit to Sumy region, the President gathered the military command and heads of law enforcement agencies of Sumy region for a meeting.

The President was briefed on the current operational situation in the region, including on the Ukrainian-Russian state border and the situation with air defense in the region. Among other things, they discussed countering enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, illegal trafficking in weapons and prohibited substances, and combating fraud, including against Ukrainian servicemen.

Зеленський ознайомився з будівництвом фортифікацій на Сумщині27.03.24, 17:46

The participants of the meeting paid special attention to the situation in the five-kilometer border zone, evacuation of the population from dangerous areas and maintaining order in these areas. In the area of information security, work is underway in Sumy region to increase coverage of Ukrainian broadcasting and block Russian propaganda.

The head of the Sumy Regional State Administration, Volodymyr Artyukh, told Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the socio-economic situation in the region.

Зараз спільне завдання – дати всі можливості, щоб у Сумській області були робочі місця, працював соціальний захист - Зеленський 27.03.24, 19:33

The President instructed the relevant authorities, in particular the State Property Fund, to create conditions for the return of enterprises to normal operation.

Tatiana Salganik



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