
Zelensky responds to US response to strikes on Russian refineries

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Zelenskiy said that the US reaction to the strikes on Russian energy facilities was not positive.

The US reaction to the strikes on Russian energy facilities was not positive. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with The Washington Post, UNN reports.


Referring to the strikes on Russian refineries, the interviewer asked whether US officials had warned against such attacks on energy facilities in Russia, to which Zelensky reportedly replied: "The US reaction to this was not positive.

However, Zelenskyy noted that Washington cannot restrict Ukraine's use of weapons of its own production.

"We used our drones. No one can tell us that we cannot," Zelensky said.

The President expressed his belief that Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy grid can only be stopped by making Russia pay the same price.

"If there is no air defense to protect our energy system, and the Russians attack it, my question is: why can't we respond to them? Their society must learn to live without gasoline, without diesel, without electricity... It's only fair," Zelensky said.

"When Russia stops these steps, we will stop," he said.


Financial Times sources reported that Washington allegedly urged Ukraine to stop drone attacks on Russian refineries to avoid further escalation and higher energy prices.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba would not confirm the information that the United States has called on Ukraine to stop attacks on Russian energy infrastructure and oil facilities. 


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