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A fertilizer ship sank on the Danube in Serbia, raising environmental concerns

A cargo ship carrying 1,000 tons of fertilizer has sunk in the Danube River; there are fears of environmental damage.

News of the World • January 5 2024, 03:08 PM  •  23942 views
A fertilizer ship sank on the Danube in Serbia, raising environmental concerns

Products of a Ukrainian rubber and plastic company were transported to the Russian occupiers directly to the front line - sources

"Kievguma is accused of supplying military goods to Russian troops; the company's CEO is detained amid evidence of direct correspondence and posts with gratitude from the Russian occupiers.

Crimes and emergencies • January 5 2024, 03:03 PM  •  26184 views
Products of a Ukrainian rubber and plastic company were transported to the Russian occupiers directly to the front line - sources

The number of victims of the earthquake in Japan increased to 94, more than 200 people are missing

The number of victims of the earthquake in Japan has risen to 94, more than 200 are missing; military deployment doubles to 4,600 to conduct search operations.

News of the World • January 5 2024, 02:55 PM  •  24280 views
The number of victims of the earthquake in Japan increased to 94, more than 200 people are missing

In Germany, a hospital fire kills four patients and injures 20 others

Four people were killed and about 20 injured in a fire at a hospital near Hamburg. Police fear the death toll could rise.

News of the World • January 5 2024, 02:55 PM  •  23628 views
In Germany, a hospital fire kills four patients and injures 20 others

Iran announces arrest of bombing suspects

Iran arrests suspects for involvement in deadly bombings in Kerman, for which Islamic State claimed responsibility.

News of the World • January 5 2024, 02:53 PM  •  23140 views
Iran announces arrest of bombing suspects

Unique operation lasting almost a day: doctors at Okhmatdyt saved a 9-month-old patient

Ukrainian doctors successfully performed a nearly 24-hour operation on a 9-month-old child, combining a liver transplant and correction of a heart defect.

Health • January 5 2024, 02:47 PM  •  23737 views
Unique operation lasting almost a day: doctors at Okhmatdyt saved a 9-month-old patient

Pirates tried to hijack a Liberian ship near Somalia: the ship was intercepted by the Indian Navy

The Indian Navy intercepted a hijacked Liberian ship off the coast of Somalia. Indian Navy commandos boarded the ship and began a "sanitary sweep"

News of the World • January 5 2024, 02:45 PM  •  23749 views
Pirates tried to hijack a Liberian ship near Somalia: the ship was intercepted by the Indian Navy

Ukrainian grain continues to be exported from Mariupol port - Andriushchenko

Ukrainian grain is being stolen and smuggled to russia through Mariupol port, says an advisor to the mayor of Mariupol.

War • January 5 2024, 02:43 PM  •  25253 views
Ukrainian grain continues to be exported from Mariupol port - Andriushchenko

Enemy drone hits a residential building in Nikopol: fire starts

A Russian drone strikes a residential building in Nikopol, causing a fire; no casualties are reported.

War • January 5 2024, 02:41 PM  •  24216 views
Enemy drone hits a residential building in Nikopol: fire starts

Human rights activist: 23 Ukrainian soldiers returned from Olenivka

23 Ukrainian soldiers returned from the prisoner-of-war camp in Olenivka, where Russians attacked the camp, some of them wounded.

War • January 5 2024, 02:35 PM  •  24173 views
Human rights activist: 23 Ukrainian soldiers returned from Olenivka