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Belgian Museum of Africa explores the origin of its collections acquired during colonization

In Belgium, researchers are studying the origin of objects from museum collections, many of which were acquired during the colonization period. And then they will wait for the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to request the restitution of cultural heritage objects.

Culture • January 19 2024, 02:00 AM  •  31292 views
Belgian Museum of Africa explores the origin of its collections acquired during colonization

Paris may ban key boxes for Airbnb tenants

Paris may ban key boxes in public places to combat short-term rentals.

News of the World • January 19 2024, 01:00 AM  •  106214 views
Paris may ban key boxes for Airbnb tenants

Historical stairs: another exhibit was saved from the rubble of the Shukhevych museum destroyed by the russians

Among the ruins of the Roman Shukhevych Museum, destroyed by the russians, a staircase has been unearthed where the commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) fought his last battle.

Society • January 19 2024, 12:33 AM  •  55416 views
Historical stairs: another exhibit was saved from the rubble of the Shukhevych museum destroyed by the russians

Medicines for Israeli hostages and Palestinians arrive in Gaza as part of a deal with Qatar

As part of a deal brokered by Qatar, medical supplies for Israeli hostages and Palestinians were delivered to Gaza. The exchange includes medicine for Israeli hostages in exchange for medicine and aid for Palestinian civilians.

News of the World • January 18 2024, 11:45 PM  •  33463 views
Medicines for Israeli hostages and Palestinians arrive in Gaza as part of a deal with Qatar

Humans may have first reached China thousands of years earlier than thought - study

A reassessment of archaeological sites in northern China suggests that Homo sapiens may have been present there about 45,000 years ago, much earlier than previously thought.

Technologies • January 18 2024, 11:30 PM  •  91608 views
Humans may have first reached China thousands of years earlier than thought - study

Hrynkevych case: the Prosecutor General's Office says three defendants have been taken into custody

The three suspects in the Hrynkevych case related to the supply of low-quality military clothing to the Armed Forces of Ukraine were sent to custody. As an alternative, the court determined the possibility of bail in excess of UAH 500 million for each of them.

Crimes and emergencies • January 18 2024, 11:07 PM  •  31091 views
Hrynkevych case: the Prosecutor General's Office says three defendants have been taken into custody

Woman convicted of abortion released from prison in El Salvador

Lilian, a woman from El Salvador, was released from prison after seven years in jail for losing her baby in 2015, which was considered an abortion, which is strictly prohibited in El Salvador.

News of the World • January 18 2024, 11:05 PM  •  30986 views
Woman convicted of abortion released from prison in El Salvador

In Kyiv, 8 students of a sports boarding school were hospitalized. 7 were confirmed to have COVID-19

Students of the Kyiv Sports Boarding Lyceum were hospitalized due to COVID-19. The health condition of the patients aged 13 to 16 is assessed as moderate.

COVID-19 • January 18 2024, 10:38 PM  •  29730 views
In Kyiv, 8 students of a sports boarding school were hospitalized. 7 were confirmed to have COVID-19

Kyrgyzstan's authorities declare war on civil society - rosmedia

Kyrgyzstan has been accused of suppressing free journalism by conducting searches and detaining media workers on charges of "war propaganda. " 50 Russian journalists wrote an open letter calling for their release.

Society • January 18 2024, 10:31 PM  •  34173 views
Kyrgyzstan's authorities declare war on civil society - rosmedia

Sweden buys the latest mobile short-range air defense systems

Saab received an order from the Swedish Defense Procurement Agency for the production of MSHORAD air defense systems.

News of the World • January 18 2024, 10:07 PM  •  30732 views
Sweden buys the latest mobile short-range air defense systems