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Nearly five hundred UNRWA employees in Gaza are members of terrorist groups, including Hamas - Israeli intelligence

Israel claims that more than 450 UNRWA employees in Gaza are operatives of terrorist groups such as Hamas.

War • March 4 2024, 09:09 PM  •  32543 views
Nearly five hundred UNRWA employees in Gaza are members of terrorist groups, including Hamas - Israeli intelligence

Bild: woman takes hostages in hospital in Aachen, Germany

An armed 65-year-old woman took patients hostage at a hospital in Aachen, Germany, after which she barricaded herself in a ward and called for an evacuation.

News of the World • March 4 2024, 08:49 PM  •  31047 views
Bild: woman takes hostages in hospital in Aachen, Germany

In attempts to get rid of guerrillas, russians transfer security forces from moscow to occupied Crimea - "ATESH"

The occupation authorities of Crimea are sending more security forces from moscow to intensify the fight against Ukrainian guerrilla groups after russian soldiers went missing.

War • March 4 2024, 08:47 PM  •  29087 views
In attempts to get rid of guerrillas, russians transfer security forces from moscow to occupied Crimea - "ATESH"

Elon Musk is being sued: ex-Twitter executives demand more than $128 million in compensation

Former Twitter executives have sued Elon Musk for more than $128 million in compensation they claim they were owed after being fired following Musk's acquisition of the company.

Crimes and emergencies • March 4 2024, 08:41 PM  •  28972 views
Elon Musk is being sued: ex-Twitter executives demand more than $128 million in compensation

France is the first in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution

France has become the first country to guarantee the right to abortion in its constitution after both houses of parliament approved amendments.

News of the World • March 4 2024, 08:32 PM  •  25911 views
France is the first in the world to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution

Lithuania to support Czech initiative to purchase shells for Ukraine

Lithuania supports the Czech initiative to purchase and transfer artillery ammunition to Ukraine from outside the EU to help Ukraine defend itself against russian aggression.

War • March 4 2024, 08:31 PM  •  28615 views
Lithuania to support Czech initiative to purchase shells for Ukraine

German gas tariff jeopardizes EU's energy solidarity - European Commissioner for Energy

The German gas tariff on cross-border trade threatens EU energy solidarity and efforts to reduce dependence on Russian gas.

Economy • March 4 2024, 08:17 PM  •  35383 views
German gas tariff jeopardizes EU's energy solidarity - European Commissioner for Energy

Bosnia to inspect Pretis factory, whose shells were spotted in the inventory of the Defense Forces

Bosnia and Herzegovina plans to inspect the Pretis ammunition company after its ammunition was spotted in photos of the Ukrainian military.

War • March 4 2024, 08:15 PM  •  140946 views
Bosnia to inspect Pretis factory, whose shells were spotted in the inventory of the Defense Forces

Ukraine and Spain start negotiations on a security agreement

Deputy Head of the President's Office Ihor Zhovkva starts negotiations with Spain on a bilateral security agreement.

War • March 4 2024, 07:59 PM  •  137058 views
Ukraine and Spain start negotiations on a security agreement

Criminal cases against business: why the Tax Service may lose up to 90% of cases in courts

The Tax Service may lose up to 90% of criminal cases against businesses in Ukrainian courts due to lack of evidence.

Economy • March 4 2024, 07:55 PM  •  130290 views
Criminal cases against business: why the Tax Service may lose up to 90% of cases in courts