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Russians open a new police school in occupied Mariupol - The Resistance Center

Russians have opened another police school in occupied Mariupol, where 400 students will study, in violation of international humanitarian law.

War • April 4 2024, 11:54 AM  •  22181 views
Russians open a new police school in occupied Mariupol - The Resistance Center

"We have moved to the pre-war world": British Defense Minister calls on NATO countries to increase defense spending

According to British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, NATO members must urgently increase their defense spending beyond the 2% of GDP target to strengthen defense in the current "pre-war world.

News of the World • April 4 2024, 11:51 AM  •  22330 views
"We have moved to the pre-war world": British Defense Minister calls on NATO countries to increase defense spending

Finland extends closure of checkpoints on the border with Russia

Finland has decided to keep the checkpoints on its land border with Russia closed "until further notice" after April 14 due to the high risk of renewed and expanded migration, which poses a threat to national security and public order.

News of the World • April 4 2024, 11:47 AM  •  20775 views
Finland extends closure of checkpoints on the border with Russia

Oleh Zhdanov: Changes in the organization of food in the Ukrainian army should be assessed by the servicemen themselves

Changes in the organization of food in the Ukrainian army should be assessed by the servicemen themselves, says expert Oleh Zhdanov.

Economy • April 4 2024, 11:38 AM  •  93532 views
Oleh Zhdanov: Changes in the organization of food in the Ukrainian army should be assessed by the servicemen themselves

Total debt in the electricity market is about UAH 53 billion - Kudrytskyi

The total debt between different participants in the electricity market has slightly decreased and amounts to about UAH 53 billion, while the debt in the balancing market reaches more than UAH 31 billion.

Economy • April 4 2024, 11:33 AM  •  20642 views
Total debt in the electricity market is about UAH 53 billion - Kudrytskyi

Another Russian fake: in Kharkiv school, students make voodoo dolls to put the evil eye on Russians

Russian propaganda channels spread fake information that Kharkiv schoolchildren were making voodoo dolls to put a jinx on Russians, when in fact they were attending a workshop on making traditional Ukrainian motanka dolls.

Society • April 4 2024, 11:28 AM  •  22925 views
Another Russian fake: in Kharkiv school, students make voodoo dolls to put the evil eye on Russians

Cholera in Mariupol: Andriushchenko says more than 10 cases detected in schools

More than 10 cases of cholera have been detected in various schools in Mariupol, raising concerns about a potential epidemic.

War • April 4 2024, 11:24 AM  •  21805 views
Cholera in Mariupol: Andriushchenko says more than 10 cases detected in schools

Representative of the Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War: Russia systematically violates human rights, organizes torture and sexual violence in the occupied territories

Russia systematically violates human rights, uses torture, commits sexual violence, abducts thousands of children and deports entire families from the occupied territories of Ukraine.

Society • April 4 2024, 11:22 AM  •  23163 views
Representative of the Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War: Russia systematically violates human rights, organizes torture and sexual violence in the occupied territories

Hungary is the only one in NATO against the Alliance coordinating military assistance to Ukraine - media

Hungary is the only NATO member that openly opposes direct military support and the Alliance's coordination role for Ukraine, refusing to provide financial assistance and participate in relevant planning.

War • April 4 2024, 11:19 AM  •  70566 views
Hungary is the only one in NATO against the Alliance coordinating military assistance to Ukraine - media

In the south of Ukraine, HIMARS special forces eliminated a group of Russians who were building a line of defense

Ukrainian Special Forces detected and eliminated a group of 14 Russian occupants who were building fortifications in the southern direction using HIMARS.

War • April 4 2024, 11:19 AM  •  19986 views
In the south of Ukraine, HIMARS special forces eliminated a group of Russians who were building a line of defense