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There will be more eggs about 17: The Ministry of Defense has updated the procurement system for the Armed Forces

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is implementing a new procurement system in line with NATO standards to eliminate corruption risks in procurement for the Armed Forces.

Economy • February 15 2024, 07:19 AM  •  31721 views
There will be more eggs about 17: The Ministry of Defense has updated the procurement system for the Armed Forces

13 out of 26 enemy missiles destroyed in the sky over Ukraine

Ukrainian air defense destroyed 13 of the 26 missiles launched by Russian forces overnight.

War • February 15 2024, 07:18 AM  •  25440 views
13 out of 26 enemy missiles destroyed in the sky over Ukraine

Mayor: two schools, a kindergarten and 18 residential buildings damaged in Lviv

The mayor said that two schools, a kindergarten, 18 residential buildings were damaged and three people were wounded in the Russian missile attack on Lviv.

War • February 15 2024, 07:07 AM  •  30961 views
Mayor: two schools, a kindergarten and 18 residential buildings damaged in Lviv

Russians fired 192 shells in Kherson region, one killed, five wounded

Over the past 24 hours, Kherson region was shelled by Russian troops 18 times, killing 1 person and wounding 5 others, including a child, according to the head of the regional military administration.

War • February 15 2024, 07:00 AM  •  29112 views
Russians fired 192 shells in Kherson region, one killed, five wounded

Poland deployed aircraft during Russia's missile attack on Ukraine

Poland raised its air force during the Russian missile attack on Ukraine as a precautionary measure.

War • February 15 2024, 06:57 AM  •  29428 views
Poland deployed aircraft during Russia's missile attack on Ukraine

7 explosions occurred in Sumy region at night due to enemy shelling

Russian military fired artillery and dropped mines in Sumy region, causing 7 explosions.

War • February 15 2024, 06:56 AM  •  28473 views
7 explosions occurred in Sumy region at night due to enemy shelling

Chairwoman of the Verkhovna Rada Budget Committee Pidlasa meets with the leadership of the IMF mission in Kyiv

Head of the Parliamentary Budget Committee Pidlasa met with IMF representatives in Kyiv to discuss the economic situation in Ukraine and progress in implementing structural reforms under the IMF program.

Economy • February 15 2024, 06:55 AM  •  32042 views
Chairwoman of the Verkhovna Rada Budget Committee Pidlasa meets with the leadership of the IMF mission in Kyiv

Eight killed and 13 wounded in Donetsk region: the consequences of hostile attacks over the last day

Eight civilians were killed and 13 wounded as a result of shelling by Russian troops in Donetsk region over the past day.

War • February 15 2024, 06:49 AM  •  25433 views
Eight killed and 13 wounded in Donetsk region: the consequences of hostile attacks over the last day

Russian attack on Lviv: one of the missiles hit the ground near residential buildings - OVA

A rocket during the enemy's shelling of Lviv hit near residential buildings and an employment center, damaging windows in the buildings.

War • February 15 2024, 06:48 AM  •  24264 views
Russian attack on Lviv: one of the missiles hit the ground near residential buildings - OVA

DIU intelligence officers burned down Russian radar with its personnel

Ukrainian reconnaissance men burned down a Russian Kasta-2E2 radar station near the Russian-Ukrainian border, disabling the radar and causing casualties.

War • February 15 2024, 06:43 AM  •  26016 views
DIU intelligence officers burned down Russian radar with its personnel