
Ambassador: Ukrainians did not suffer as a result of Iran's attack on Israel

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Iran's massive attack on Israel on April 14 caused minor damage, with no Ukrainian casualties reported. Most of the missiles were intercepted by Israeli and allied air defense.

There has been no information about the victims of Iran's massive attack on Israel on the night of April 14. Ambassador of Ukraine to Israel Yevhen Korniychuk said this in a commentary to Suspilne, UNN reports

One infrastructure facility at a military base was actually damaged. One woman was injured. It is not relevant to ask whether Ukrainians were injured or damaged. There is no such information and, most likely, there will not be any more

- said Korniychuk.

The Ambassador noted that the downing of air targets was very effective.

"There are no exact statistics, but it looks like the vast majority of the missiles that were fired from Iran, Syria, and Iraq were shot down outside Israeli territory. In addition to the Israeli military, the British, French, and American military took part in the operation,"  said.

Korniychuk recalled that Iran had previously used its proxies in Yemen, Syria and Iraq. Today, they "hit directly". "Their proxies also carried out the main strikes, but the missile attacks came directly from Iran," the ambassador emphasized.

The diplomat added that the Home Front Service, the relevant unit of the Israeli Armed Forces working with the civilian population, had previously announced security measures to be taken by civilians.

"Ben Gurion Airport is open and working again. Today, only children's educational institutions are not working," Korniychuk summarized .

МЗС про атаку на Ізраїль: дії Ірану є абсолютно неприйнятними та безвідповідальними14.04.24, 12:21


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