
American soldier arrested in Russia: accused of theft

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An American soldier who was visiting an acquaintance in Vladivostok, Russia, was arrested on charges of theft.

An American soldier who was visiting his girlfriend in the Russian city of Vladivostok was arrested on charges of theft. The American is currently in custody, the Associated Press reports, citing US officials, UNN reports


On Monday, U.S. authorities said that 34-year-old Staff Sgt. Gordon Black was supposed to return home to Texas after serving in South Korea.  Instead, officials said, Black traveled to Russia to see an old girlfriend. The Associated Press notes that Black is married. 

On Monday, US Army spokeswoman Cynthia Smith confirmed that the soldier was detained on Thursday, May 2, in Vladivostok on criminal charges. The Ministry of Defense has notified Gordon Black's family of his arrest. 

"The U.S. Department of State is providing appropriate consular support to the serviceman in Russia," Smith said.

According to officials, the Russian woman Black visited lived in South Korea, and last fall there was some kind of domestic conflict or quarrel between her and soldier . After that, she left South Korea. It is unclear whether she was forced to leave and what role the Korean authorities played in this.

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