
At least 49 people killed in Papua New Guinea during intertribal fighting

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At least 49 people have been killed in clashes between tribes in Papua New Guinea's Enga province over a long-standing territorial dispute.

Police in Papua New Guinea reported on Monday that 49 people were killed in the highlands of this Pacific country as a result of intertribal violence. This was reported by UNN with reference to ABC News.


Dozens of people have been killed in what is being called an "ambush" clash between tribes in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. The bloodshed took place amid a long-running tribal conflict in Enga Province, 582 kilometers northwest of the capital Port Moresby.

Initially, the police stated that the death toll reached 50 people, then it was revised to 26, and later increased to at least 49 after more bodies were found.

According to media reports, this is an escalation of intertribal conflicts that are plaguing the country, which borders Indonesia and neighboring Australia.

Tribal clashes, often sparked by territorial disputes and accusations of theft, have occurred in this part of Papua New Guinea for centuries. The influx of automatic weapons has made clashes more deadly and increased violence.

How did the massacre happen?

According to local authorities, one of the tribes - with the help of allies and mercenaries - was about to attack a neighboring tribe over the weekend when it was ambushed.

During the shootout, a real arsenal was used, including SLRs, AK-47s, M4s, AR15s and M16s, as well as shotguns and homemade firearms.

"It [the massacre] was only possible because of the use of a large number of small arms, and that's a concern," Police Commissioner David Manning said in an interview with ABC.

What the government is doing

After the escalation of violence, additional security forces were sent to the region.

Commissioner Manning also called on Enga's provincial and local leaders to intervene directly with the population to calm tensions.

He also said that bills are being submitted to parliament that will further strengthen the law enforcement capacity of the security forces to intervene to prevent such acts in the future.


In early 2024, a state of emergency was declared in Papua New Guinea after violent riots over a cut in civil servant salaries left 16 people dead. Prime Minister Marape deployed more than 1,000 troops to restore order.

Байден заявив, що США розглядають нові санкції проти рф через смерть навального19.02.24, 18:46


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