
Attack on Kharkiv: 5 people are missing

 • 31519 переглядiв

Five people went missing and five were killed as a result of Russian rocket fire on the Kholodnohirsk district of Kharkiv on March 20, and nine others were injured.

Five people went missing as a result of a Russian strike on Kharkiv's Kholodnohirsk district on March 20, Mayor Ihor Terekhov said, reports UNN.


In addition to the five dead, we have the same number of missing persons. They have been identified, but they are not among the wounded or dead

Terekhov wrote.

It is known that there are currently nine wounded.

The fire is almost out, there is only smoldering in the damaged building.

The search and rescue operation is ongoing.


On March 20, at about 13:00, the armed forces of the Russian Federation launched a missile attack on the Kholodnohirsky district of Kharkiv. The premises of a civilian enterprise and cars were damaged.

Five people were killed and 9 injured.

According to preliminary data, the city was struck by an X-59 missile.

Under the procedural supervision of the Novobavarsky District Prosecutor's Office in Kharkiv, a pre-trial investigation was opened into the violation of the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Атака рф на Харків: в ДСНС показали наслідки 20.03.24, 15:08


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