
Biden mistakenly calls Egyptian president "president of Mexico"

 • 94630 переглядiв

During a press conference, U.S. President Joe Biden mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as "the president of Mexico," which sparked discussions on social media in both countries.

American President Joe Biden mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as "the president of Mexico." This mistake caused an active discussion in social networks of both countries. This was reported by the BBC, according to UNN.


During a recent press conference, U.S. President Joe Biden caused a loud debate when he mistakenly referred to Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the "president of Mexico." His comment sparked active discussions on social media in both countries.

Twitter users (known as X) in Mexico mocked Biden's mistake by sharing images of the Mexican flag with the serpent eagle, instead of the Egyptian Saladin eagle from the country's coat of arms. On the other hand, Egyptians also joined the game, showing the Mexican eagle on the Egyptian flag with the caption "Long live the Mexican Arab Republic.

However, not all Egyptians saw the comic side of the mistake. Many users expressed distrust of President Biden and expressed their anger at his support for Israel during the Gaza conflict.


Thursday's mistake was just the latest of several errors made by Joe Biden when talking about world leaders. But his likely Republican opponent, 77-year-old Donald Trump, has also gotten names mixed up, most recently confusing his rival Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Байден назвав Трампа страшною загрозою демократії06.01.24, 03:25


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