
British intelligence: the Kremlin is building a new base for the Wagnerites

 • 19728 переглядiв

A new base for Wagner mercenaries is being built in southern Russia. The new base will also house a new volunteer corps of the Russian Guard.

the kremlin is building a new structure in southern russia based on former wagner mercenaries. This is stated in a new report by the British Ministry of Defense based on intelligence, UNN reports .


As noted in the report, the new field commander of the Wagner group, Anton "Lotus" Elizarov, released his first video statement after the deaths of Wagner's former owner Yevgeny Pryzhozhin and former field commander Dmitry "Wagner" Utkin in a plane crash in August 23.

In his video, Elizarov detailed the location of Wagner's new headquarters in a Cossack camp in the Rostov region of southern Russia, located next to the barracks of the 150th Russian motorized rifle division. Elizarov stated that Wagner's new base would also house a new volunteer corps of the Russian Guard, indirectly confirming Wagner's subordination to the Russian Guard.

According to British intelligence, the Russian Guard is likely preparing a new Volunteer Corps of experienced Wagner employees to strengthen Russia's military efforts in Ukraine and expand Russian influence in Africa.

The Russian state most likely authorized the construction of the new Wagner base and understands that by subordinating Wagner to the Russian Guard, it would eliminate any potential threat that Wagner could pose to the security of the Russian regime,

- said the British Ministry of Defense.


There are up to 1,000 mercenaries of the Wagner PMC in Belarus, who continue to train the Belarusian military and security forces. The presence of Wagner in Belarus also plays into Russia's hands, forcing Ukraine to maintain defensive positions on its northern border.

Британська розвідка: рф збільшить військові витрати за рахунок боргу та податків05.02.24, 12:38


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