
Budanov spoke about the Russians' preparations for a new attempt on his life

 • 18130 переглядiв

The Russians are preparing a new assassination attempt on Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The Russians are preparing a new assassination attempt on the head of the Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate, Kirill Budanov. Budanov himself  said this in an interview with BBC Ukrainian, UNN reports.

He answered the question about the number of attempts on his life:

They are planning something there now, but, like in the past, they will not succeed. It's in the interests of the Russians, it's true. They are Russians, in the interests of Russians. They are planning to involve people here as well. This is normal, operational work for them

Budanov also spoke about the progress of the investigation into his wife's poisoning, saying that it was "progressing.

According to the head of the DIU, his wife's health condition  is "more or less normal.

"We stabilized it and removed most of the toxins," Budanov said.

He also added that the answers to the woman's poisoning "will be forthcoming, don't worry.


Earlier, Budanov spoke about at least 10 attempts on his life. So the risks forced the DIU chief to lead a private life.

З середини травня Україну чекає важка ситуація - Буданов22.04.24, 08:55


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