
Communication between the authorities and internally displaced persons: more than 850 thousand appeals processed by the Ministry of Reintegration's hotline since 2022

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The Ministry of Reintegration's hotline, which consists of 36 operators working around the clock, has processed more than 850,000 calls from Ukrainians since mid-2012 to address crisis issues faced by internally displaced persons, including status and benefits, as well as payments to families of prisoners of war.

"Hotline 1548" The Ministry of Reintegration, consisting of 36 operators, receives appeals from Ukrainians around the clock: it is possible to address all possible crisis issues, such as registration of status and payments for internally displaced persons, or payments to families of prisoners of war, etc. More than 850 thousand applications have been processed since mid-2022.

This is reported by UNN, with reference to the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.


In 2022, a round-the-clock 1548 Hotline was set up to provide prompt assistance to citizens in crisis situations. Since then, the line has processed more than 850,000 calls.

The main task of the hotline is to solve all possible crisis issues of internally displaced persons. 

- said Anatoliy Stelmakh, Deputy Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories.

These may be psychological issues. The question of how to evacuate from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. It may be the issue of registration of status and payments for internally displaced persons. And also the issue of payments to the families of prisoners of war.

- said Andriy Tereshchonok, head of the social information and reference service "Hotline 1548".

Україна схвалила план реформ для програми ЄС на 50 млрд євро, планує направити Єврокомісії найближчим часом - Шмигаль18.03.24, 11:57

The agency emphasizes that this is essentially a communication platform between the authorities and internally displaced persons. This includes Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad or are currently staying in the temporarily occupied territory.

With the assistance of USAID, the hotline was provided with all the necessary equipment. The hotline of the Ministry of Reintegration, 36 operators work around the clock, 24/7.

В Україні значне збільшення випадків ПТСР: майже 4-кратне зростання у 2023 році проти довоєнного рівня18.03.24, 13:50


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