
Consequences of the Russian attack on Chernihiv: 44 people hospitalized, one house destroyed, almost 30 more damaged

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Yesterday's rocket attacks on Chernihiv resulted in 44 hospitalizations, damage to 20 buildings, including a hotel, hospital, college and residential buildings, search and rescue operations are complete, and authorities are providing assistance to the victims.

As a result of yesterday's rocket attacks on Chernihiv, 44 people were hospitalized, 20 buildings were damaged, and one of the high-rise buildings was destroyed, said acting mayor of Chernihiv Oleksandr Lomako in his Telegram channel, reports UNN.


Today, the acting mayor heard  reports from the heads of city services involved in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Chernihiv.

Атака рф на Чернігів: кількість жертв зросла до 1818.04.24, 08:23

According to him, 44 people were hospitalized after the enemy attack, 11 of them in serious condition. Currently, medical facilities are provided with everything they need.

An eight-story hotel building was destroyed, the district hospital, the building of the polytechnic college, the water utility facility, and 28 houses (419 apartments) were damaged. Yesterday, housing offices made rounds and helped to cover the windows with film and OSB boards

- Lomako summarized. 

Also, gas and electricity were inspected and reconnected to these houses. 

In addition, one of the two-storey buildings with 16 apartments was severely damaged as a result of the attack. The city authorities will organize an expert examination to determine whether the building is suitable for further use

Ракетний удар по Чернігову: у Нацполіції пояснили, куди звертатись потерпілим внаслідок атаки17.04.24, 16:08

As for the search and rescue operation, it was completed this morning. In addition to the emergency services, it involved utility companies. In particular, Munvarta helped to clear the rubble, and Shkilne provided hot meals for rescuers and police.

Security of the area. Police patrol the area. No facts of vandalism have been recorded. 

- summarized the acting mayor of Chernihiv. 

Атака рф на Чернігів: близько 80 людей звернулося до лікарень17.04.24, 19:46


Lomako emphasized that yesterday , in fact, immediately after the "arrivals," the Consequence Elimination Headquarters was deployed. It received victims and determined the need for assistance, as well as further steps to eliminate the consequences. "The ATP-2528 continues to clean up and remove debris and "garbage".

Yesterday, the official also met with partners to discuss assistance in eliminating the consequences of the enemy attack. 

Today, the Single Assistance Center started working under the roof of the Radchenko City Palace of Culture. It brings together about 10 organizations that victims can turn to for help. + Dobrobat declares its readiness to help with the installation of up to 500 broken windows. Applications from affected businesses are accepted at the Citizens' Appeals Department

- said Oleksandr Lomako


 Following Russia's deadly missile attack on Chernihiv , police have stepped up foot and car patrols on the city's streets to ensure security and enforce curfews.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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