
Cyberattack on the UK Ministry of Defense: hackers hacked servers

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A large-scale data breach at the UK Ministry of Defense has led to the leakage of confidential personal and financial data of military personnel, which could potentially be linked to a cyberattack from China.

Hackers have penetrated the servers of the UK Ministry of Defense, causing a massive leak of confidential information. This was reported by Sky News, according to UNN.


On Tuesday, the UK reported a massive data leak from the Ministry of Defense, pointing to a possible connection to China, although no specific accusations were made.

The cyberattack was aimed at obtaining personal data of military personnel regarding payment processing systems for financial gain. As a result of the leak, mostly names and bank details were revealed.

According to the Ministry of Defense, service personnel will be provided with the necessary support and advice on their safety.

Shortly after the cyberattack was detected, the contractor's system was disconnected and an audit was launched.

Кібератака у Тайваню: Великий витік даних загрожує національній безпеці01.03.24, 06:52


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