
"Ethically ambiguous issue": Polish Foreign Minister believes that Ukraine should take the initiative in returning its citizens

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland said that Ukraine should take the initiative in the ethically ambiguous issue of returning Ukrainians of military age from Poland.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that Ukraine should take the initiative in returning its citizens, as this issue is "ethically ambiguous" for the Polish side. This was stated on TVN24 on Saturday evening, April 27, by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski , answering the question whether the Ukrainian authorities had asked the Polish authorities for help in "transporting" Ukrainians of military age who are in Poland, UNN reports.

Ukraine really needs to take the initiative here, because this is an ethically ambiguous issue for us. Although, of course, we understand that Ukraine needs its own defenders to protect its homeland

- Sikorsky replied.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the law on mobilization, and on the same day, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba declared a fair approach to men of mobilization age who are both in the country and abroad. In a post on Platform X, the head of Ukrainian diplomacy emphasized that being abroad does not exempt one from obligations to the state.

"I am not aware of any Ukrainian initiatives since the adoption of this law. Earlier, in December, when I was in Kyiv in my first days in office, the Ukrainian side said something else, moving in the same direction. Namely, that they (the Ukrainian authorities) would have a certificate for their citizens that someone has a regulated relationship with military service. And they asked that social benefits at the EU level should not apply to people who do not have such a certificate. It's an interesting idea," Sikorsky said.

Депортації не буде: у МВС Польщі заявили, що українським біженцям продовжать захист навіть без паспорта26.04.24, 12:32


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