
"Eurovision Song Contest 2024: Head of the Ukrainian delegation tells how alyona alyona & Jerry Heil are preparing for the contest

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The Ukrainian Eurovision team, alyona alyona & Jerry Heil, held two stage rehearsals and two general rehearsals, including one where the jury voted, actively preparing for their performance in the semi-finals.

The Ukrainian Eurovision team is actively preparing for their performance in the semifinals of the contest - alyona alyona & Jerry Heil have already taken part in two stage and two dress rehearsals. The head of the Ukrainian Eurovision delegation, Oksana Skybinska, said this during a telethon, UNN reports.


Skybinska said that the Ukrainian singer's team has already held two stage rehearsals and joined two general rehearsals. 

We have been here for a week now. We've already had two stage rehearsals, during which we had the opportunity to test the production, the sound of the song on the Swedish stage, and to see all the technical aspects that we are still working on. Yesterday we had two dress rehearsals alyona alyona & Jerry Heil went on stage during the daytime dress rehearsal and in the evening when the jury voted. It was a really busy day

- said the head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Eurovision Song Contest.

According to her, a "daytime dress rehearsal" is still to take place today, the last rehearsal before the semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.

Перший півфінал Євробачення-2024: коли виступлять alyona alyona та Jerry Heil, де дивитися і як голосувати07.05.24, 11:29

Today we are gathering energy because we have an equally important day ahead. Now we have a daytime general run-through ahead of us. This is the last rehearsal before the semifinals. And in the evening we will accumulate energy and hope for the moral support of Ukrainians 

- said Skibinska.


She also said that some Ukrainians living abroad can vote for the Ukrainian representatives right now. But viewers from Ukraine will have to wait until the evening to be able to support alyona & Jerry Heil.

The innovation of this year's Eurovision is that it is the audience that will vote in the semi-finals, and the jury's votes are purely reserve. So the viewers who started voting yesterday in the rest of the world, that is, not in the participating countries, can already vote. If there are Ukrainians abroad who watch us and want to support alyona & Jerry Heil, they can already do so on the Eurovision website. And all Ukrainians who will be watching the broadcast today will be able to vote via SMS this evening

- explained the head of the Ukrainian Eurovision Song Contest delegation.


alyona alyona & Jerry Heil announcedthat the most famous Ukrainian director in the world, Tanya Muinho, will direct Ukraine's performance on the main stage of Europe.

Радість перемог і гіркота поразок: як Україна виступала на "Євробаченні"06.05.24, 19:25


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