
Finnish Transport Agency: GPS jamming is a result of russian military activity

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According to the Finnish transport and communications agency Traficom, the GPS jamming in the Baltic region is likely a side effect of russian military activities aimed at interfering with the navigation and control of drones.

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency claims that GPS jamming in the Baltic region is the result of russian military activity. This is reported by Politico, according to UNN.


The Finnish transport and communications agency Traficom has reported an increasing jamming of GPS signals over the Baltic Sea, indicating that this is likely a side effect of russian military activity.

Interference intensified when Ukrainian drones began attacking russia's energy infrastructure in January 2024

-  Traficom.

While Estonia accuses russia of jamming the signal, the Finnish agency disagrees with the characterization of this interference as a hybrid attack.

Traficom believes that this interference may be aimed at preventing the navigation and control of drones guided by GNSS or mobile frequencies.

It is quite possible that the obstacles currently observed in aviation are most likely a side effect of russia's self-defense

- Traficom.

At the same time, the agency emphasizes that it is safe to fly to and from Finland thanks to alternative navigation methods, although GPS remains an important source of navigation information in aviation.


Earlier this week, Finnair suspended flights to Tartu (Estonia) for a month;. Consequently, the Estonian government announced its intention to discuss the issue with its EU and NATO partners.

Фінський авіаперевізник скасовує частину рейсів до Естонії через глушіння росією сигналу GPS30.04.24, 05:14


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