
Former FBI informant in Biden impeachment case arrested in the US

 • 31999 переглядiв

The United States arrested a former FBI informant who provided false information about Joe Biden's involvement in his son's business deals.

U.S. District Judge Otis Wright II in Los Angeles jailed former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov. On February 23, he was re-detained on charges of providing false information about US President Joe Biden's involvement in the business ties between his son Hunter and the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. This was reported by the Associated Press, according to UNN.


According to the decision of the district judge, Smirnov will remain in custody until the trial begins. The agency did not provide the exact dates of the defendant's arrest. According to AP, Alexander Smirnov was denied bail because the court "does not trust him".

Addendum Addendum

Alexander Smirnov was detained on February 14 at Harry Reid Airport in Las Vegas after arriving from abroad.

Special Prosecutor of the US Department of Justice David Weiss has filed charges against him for providing false testimony regarding the participation of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in deals with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

On February 21, Alexander Smirnov was released on bail. On the morning of February 23, police detained him again in Nevada on the same warrant.

AR notes that Alexander Smirnov has US and Israeli citizenship. Prosecutors stated that during interrogation on February 14, the defendant admitted his connection with Russian intelligence. The indictment states that Alexander Smirnov provided information to the FBI for at least ten years. Some of it was false, according to the investigation.

Інформатора ФБР звинувачують у брехні про зв'язки Джо та Хантера Байденів з українською енергокомпанією16.02.24, 00:40


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