
France on the participation of its ambassador at the dictator's "inauguration": "It does not mean that we consider Putin's election legitimate"

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France will send its ambassador to Putin's "inauguration" ceremony in Moscow, but this does not mean that it considers his election legitimate or recognizes it.

The participation of the French ambassador at the "inauguration" of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin does not mean that the country considers his election legitimate or recognizes it. France only means that the country "has an embassy in Moscow." A source in French diplomacy told this in a commentary to Suspilne, UNN reports. 

France will be represented at this ceremony by our Ambassador to Russia. Let me remind you that France took note of the results of the presidential elections in Russia on March 18, strongly condemning the context of repression in which they took place, depriving voters of a real choice, as well as the organization of the so-called elections in the illegally temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, which is a violation of international law and the UN Charter, as we stated in a public communiqué. The participation of our ambassador does not mean that we consider Putin's election legitimate or that we "recognize" him, it only means that we have an embassy in Moscow

- a source in French diplomacy said .

Earlier, Reuters wrote that Putin's "inauguration" will be ignored by the US and 20 EU member states, but 7 states will send representatives. In particular, France will send an envoy. 

В МЗС України закликали світ не визнавати путіна легітимним президентом рф06.05.24, 15:58


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