
Further discussion of the extension of trade liberalization for Ukraine in the EU expected on Wednesday - media

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The Belgian presidency of the EU Council is working to find a compromise framework for renewing autonomous trade measures for Ukraine, with Italy proposing to extend the protection provisions until 2021 but exclude wheat, reducing the benefits for Ukraine from the original €2 billion to €1.54 billion.

The Belgian presidency of the EU Council is working to find a framework for renewing autonomous trade measures (ATMs) for Ukraine ahead of a new discussion on Wednesday, Sky TG24 reports, citing a source, UNN writes.


"We are in the midst of negotiations, we will see where we come to," the unnamed diplomat commented.

As indicated, in fact, "there is currently no qualified majority, as a number of countries, such as France and Poland, have made additional requests". Italy, as noted, is also part of this group, but is working on a compromise that "will satisfy the needs of Ukrainians in balance with the interests of European producers.

In particular, Rome, according to the newspaper, "proposes to extend the protective provisions until 2021" but "not to include wheat." The measure will cost Kyiv 800 million euros, the newspaper notes.

Compared to the European Commission's initial proposal, which envisaged benefits for Ukraine of 2 billion euros, the Italian proposal would bring benefits of up to 1.54 billion, further reducing the amount agreed upon in the last triallogue (about 1.7 billion), the publication points out.


On January 31, the European Commission proposed to extend the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the EU for another year, while proposing measures to mitigate the possible impact on farmers in the EU. 

On March 7, the European Parliament gave its first approval for duty-free access to the EU for Ukrainian goods for another year, but with the right to restrictions.

On March 19, the EU hosted a triallogue on the extension of autonomous trade measures for Ukraine. 

On March 20, EU ambassadors failed to approve the extension of trade liberalization measures for Ukraine on the eve of the summit of the bloc's leaders, who were to discuss the issue at their regular meeting a week later.

For reference

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, has provided Ukrainian businesses with preferential access to the EU market since 2016. Immediately after the outbreak of Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine, the EU introduced autonomous trade measures in June 2022 that allow duty-free access for all Ukrainian goods to the EU market. These measures were extended for one year in June 2023 and expire on June 5, 2024.


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