
General Staff: Defense Forces withstood 73 Russian attacks, 22 in Avdiivka and Novopavlivka sectors

 • 111163 переглядiв

Ukrainian troops repelled numerous Russian attacks in various parts of the frontline and launched air strikes that destroyed Russian aircraft.

73 combat engagements took place in the Ukrainian frontline over the last day. Our defenders repelled most of the occupants' attacks in the Avdiivka and Novopavlivka sectors. The current situation at the front is described in the report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Within the last day, 73 combat engagements took place. In total, the enemy launched 2 missile and 79 air strikes, fired 90 times from multiple launch rocket systems at the positions of our troops and populated areas.

- reported the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


In the Kupyansk sector, the Defense Forces repelled two enemy attacks near Petropavlivka and Tabaivka in the Kharkiv region. It is noted that the enemy once again made an unsuccessful attempt to drive our troops from their positions.

In the Liman sector, Ukrainian defenders withstood 11 Russian assaults. The invaders attacked with the support of aviation near the settlements of Terny, Yampolivka in Donetsk region and Bilohorivka in Luhansk region.

Окупанти намагаються захопити два населених пункти на Бахмутському напрямку, йдуть бої - Євлаш29.02.24, 15:28

In the Bakhmut sector, Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled two enemy attacks near Ivanivske and Klishchiyivka in Donetsk region, where the enemy was trying to improve its tactical position.

In the Avdiivka sector, our defenders repelled the enemy 22 times. It is noted that the Russian army stormed Ukrainian positions near Berdychiv, Orlivka, Tonenke, Pervomaiske and Nevelske in Donetsk region.

Сирський перевірив злагодженість та взаємодію підрозділів на Авдіївському та Курахівському напрямках29.02.24, 18:57

In the Novopavlivka sector, the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to hold back the enemy in the areas of Krasnohorivka, Heorhiivka, Pobeda and Novomykhailivka. In this section of the Donetsk front, the invaders, supported by air power, tried to break through the defense of our troops 22 times.

Defense forces repelled an attack near Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia region, in the Orikhiv sector.  

And in the Kherson sector, our defenders stopped Russian attempts to drive our units from footholds on the left bank of the Dnipro River four times.


According to the General Staff, on Thursday, the Ukrainian Defense Forces aviation carried out 10 strikes on Russian positions. In addition, units of the Ukrainian Air Force destroyed three Su-34 fighter-bombers.

Три за ранок: Сили оборони "відмінусували" ще два російських Су-3429.02.24, 11:28

In addition, Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners hit two areas of concentration of Russian weapons and military equipment and burned down three BM-21 Grad MLRS, one electronic warfare system and an enemy ammunition depot.


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