
Hetmantsev deceived MPs who co-authored the bill on the "white business club", in fact, there are preferences for the elected - Yuzhanina

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Danylo Hetmantsev deceived MPs by claiming that his draft law on the "white business club" provides benefits for law-abiding businesses, but in fact it provides preferences to a select group of companies.

The head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy Danylo Hetmantsev deceived the co-authors of the bill on the "white business club", in fact, the document provides for preferences for the elect. This was stated in an exclusive commentary to UNN by Nina Yuzhanina, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy . She also called on MPs to withdraw their signatures from the bill.

In his Telegram channel , Hetmantsev said that he and his colleagues had prepared a draft law on the "white business club". According to him, the essence of the document is that "if an entrepreneur meets simple and transparent criteria for paying taxes above the industry average and paying salaries above the industry average, he will not be subject to tax control in the form of inspections. This is among other advantages. The list is reviewed quarterly.

As it turned out, this is just another deception under this name... they promised to create a list of companies that will enjoy the three benefits specified in this draft law. Why do I say deception? Because among the co-authors, there are a lot of MPs with whom I managed to communicate - and those with whom I spoke do not know the text of this draft law to the end. They were told that it was about the white business club, a list of companies that would simply enjoy special treatment because they are large taxpayers. And when I started to tell them the details of this draft law, they were unknown to everyone

- Yuzhanina noted.

According to her, even if Hetmantsev succeeds in getting the bill on the "white business club" passed in the first reading, it is possible that it will be amended before the second reading. 

At the same time, Yuzhanina said, if Hetmantsev's draft law is passed in its current version without changes, it will "divide business into white and cattle." According to her, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, which is responsible for the examination of legislative initiatives, should submit objections and comments to Hetmantsev's draft law.

"I'll repeat: those with whom I spoke yesterday are the authors, I just want to officially appeal to them to withdraw their signatures, they have been deceived. This is not a "white business club," it's just preferences for a select few. And, as it were, pressure for others. This cannot happen," Yuzhanina emphasized.


Yuzhanina earlier stated that Hetmantsev wants to legalize the right of the tax authorities to recognize a taxpayer as a risky one under the guise of tax nannies to stop the registration of tax invoices. 

In an exclusive interview with UNN, Yana Matviychuk, a volunteer, founder of the creative agency ARENA CS, member of the Board Young Business Club , said that the tax policy implemented by Hetmantsev is severely hampering the Ukrainian economy and, if not stopped, will lead to its decline in the future. 

Lilia Podolyak



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