
Hospital building damaged due to Russian missile strike on Chernihiv - Ministry of Health

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A rocket attack on civilians in Chernihiv, Ukraine, damaged a medical facility, but no one was injured.

A Russian missile strike on Chernihiv damaged a medical facility, but no one was injured in the hospital, the Ukrainian Health Ministry reported on Wednesday, UNN reports.

Chernihiv. A rocket attack on civilians. (...) The building of a medical institution was damaged, there were no casualties in the hospital

- the Ministry of Health reported on Telegram.

As indicated, emergency ambulance crews are working at the scene. The Ministry of Health reported at least 6 hospitalized.

Атака рф на Чернігів: МВС показало рятувальну операцію, повідомило про 11 загиблих, 22 поранених17.04.24, 11:42

Julia Shramko



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